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Lesley . . .

Temari balls originated in China and were later introduced into Japan.

Temari3 They were originally intended as toys for children, and were made from strips of old kimonos. The pieces of silk would be scrunched up to make a ball, and then wrapped with further strips of fabric. With the introduction of rubber to Japan the temari were no longer needed as toys, and the balls gradually became an art form, displaying intricate embroidery.

Temari designs are geometric, and usually symmetrical, which is why they appeal to me so much! The geometrical marking-out of each ball can sometimes take longer than the actual stitching, but to me there is something very satisfying about the whole process.

For more information about temari visit www.temarikai.com

Examples of Lesley's Temari
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Temari Temari Temari Temari

Temari Temari Temari

Temari Temari Temari

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If you would like to contact us at any time send e-mail to:

   Lesley at    Lesley@lesleydavies.co.uk    or
Brian at   response@bdavies.co.uk

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