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Celtic Art and Knotwork

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My fascination with Celtic art began several years ago while studying the Uncial script in my calligraphy classes.

Starting in 1996, I have given weekend workshops to members of several calligraphy groups, including York Scribes (York, England!), where I was able to pass on the Andy Sloss method for creating Knotwork.

Click on the thumbnails below to see examples of knotwork generated using this technique.

There are links to some other excellent pages on Celtic themes below, including to our own Celtic Gallery - do e-mail us if you know of other interesting sites!

Examples of Lesley's knotwork
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Candle 1 Candle 2 Cup
Knot Candle Tree Star1 Star2
Cracker Holly Cross

After some exploration of alternative methods, the following examples show a different type of result, and are generated using the method of Sheila Sturrock - as outlined in her book "Celtic Knotwork Designs":

Dot Knot 1 Dot Knot 2

I am now working on a complete alphabet of letters decorated with Celtic knotwork. Click this thumbnail to see an example - the "H":

Alphabet example

*New*You can see more examples from the celtic alphabet, with examples of their use - and other celtic designs - on our galleries:

Celtic Gallery 1       Celtic Gallery 2      Celtic Gallery 3


Celtic Borders and Motifs
This is my book of Celtic Borders and Motifs: a source book published by Search Press, and available from all (surely...) good bookshops and always from the nice people at Amazon :-)

And I'm quite impressed to have an ISBN all of my own!

I can strongly recommend ‘How To Draw Celtic Knotwork’, by Andy Sloss: more details on the Celtic Creative Home Page. Also recommended is a fascinating little book by Mark van Stone, ‘Celtic Knotwork’.

For inspiration in design and colour I would also recommend ‘The Celtic Art Source Book’, by Courtney Davies.

Slate ThumbnailSome of our favourite artifacts are in various forms of stonework. Our page about Wales has examples of knotwork from some of the celtic crosses we regularly seek out in our travels around Britain. Click the thumbnail on the right to see an example of the work of Reg Beech - an artist working in Wales. This is one of his slate carvings, coloured with wax. The real thing is about 2 feet (60 cm) across.

Other Interesting Links :

Full details of Celtic Connections Magazine,
how to subscribe, and further associated publications
and books by David James:
Celtic Connections Magazine

Lorien Transformations - A new concept in Celtic Designs
and colour/texture transformations.
A delight for the eyes at :
Lorien Transformations

Sirius Spinning - hand-embroidered cloaks with Celtic designs
Sirius Spinning banner link
Sirius Spinning

Swallow Music banner link
Swallow Music

Keltic Designs - Celtic Artwork by Jen Delyth
Celtic Art and Illumination
The Art of Courtney Davis
World of Celtic Art
Celtic Moon Design - Artwork by Sara McMurray-Day
Celtic Creative Home Page
Celtic Web Site Guide

Wales On The Web (Directory)
Our page about Wales!
Our 1st Celtic Gallery
Our 2nd Celtic Gallery
Our 3rd Celtic Gallery



Book 2 Interesting Books:

Too many to list here - click the book to see the list, click BACK to return here.

Line, multicolour

Line, multicolour

The work illustrated on these pages represent the creative effort of Lesley Davies. None of these designs should be considered public domain. It is commonly and wrongly supposed that all Celtic designs are ancient and therefore free from copyright restrictions. The truth is that new, traditionally correct designs often look as if they could be very old, but they are none-the-less the intellectual property of the artist. Use of copyright designs by anyone other than the artist requires permission in the case of personal use or a licensing agreement in the case of commercial use. All rights reserved.

Line, multicolour

Line, multicolour

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